When I gather eggs from my Easter Egger hens, there is something truly remarkable – a vibrant array of eggshell colors. From soft blues and greens to delicate pinks and even the occasional tan or brown hue, these eggs are a testament to nature's creativity. But have you ever wondered why Easter Egger hens lay eggs with such a diverse range of shell colors?
Genetic Diversity
The primary reason behind the varying colors of Easter Egger eggshells lies in the genetic makeup of these unique hens. Unlike some other chicken breeds with consistent eggshell colors, Easter Eggers have inherited a diverse genetic heritage. They often carry a combination of genes from breeds known for specific eggshell hues, such as blue or brown.
The Oocyan Gene
The key player in determining blue or green eggshell color is the oocyan gene. Easter Egger hens possess this gene, which causes the formation of a pigment called biliverdin. Biliverdin is responsible for the blue and green hues in eggshells. The intensity of the color depends on the concentration of this pigment.

Brown vs. White Eggs
While Easter Egger hens are renowned for their blue and green eggs, they can also produce eggs with brown or tan shells. This happens when other genetic factors come into play. These factors can influence the production of another pigment called protoporphyrin, which gives brown eggshells their characteristic color.
Feather Colors and Eggshells
Interestingly, there's a correlation between the feather color of Easter Egger hens and the color of their eggs. Hens with slate-colored or black feathers tend to lay eggs with darker blue or green shells, while those with lighter feathers often lay eggs with paler hues.
Diet and Environment

The diet and environment of your Easter Egger hens can also affect the color of their eggshells. A balanced diet rich in certain nutrients, like calcium, can lead to stronger and more colorful
shells. Additionally, stress and environmental factors can impact eggshell color to some extent.
In conclusion, the vibrant palette of eggshell colors from our Easter Egger hens is a result of their diverse genetic heritage, the presence of the oocyan gene, and other genetic factors. These hens truly bring nature's creativity to our farm, painting it with a stunning variety of eggshell shades. The next time you collect your dozen, take a moment to appreciate the intricate science behind these colorful gifts from our feathered friends.
As I continue to care for my Easter Egger hens, I am continually amazed by the beautiful eggs they lay. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!